After a few days slobbing around whilst it rained, we decided to hike to the Trient Glacier. The weather was beautiful when we woke up but quickly deteriorated as we progressed down the motorway towards Martigny. We arrived at Col De La Forclaz about 9.30am and after 15 mins uhming and ahhing as to weather we walked from there or Trient decided to leave from here. We, and a Swiss couple and one from the Netherlands debated as to the start of the footpath but eventually found it and set off. This was a lovely undemanding walk along one of Switzerland's bisses, constructed to irrigate the mountain slopes. About 50 minutes later we reached the Chalet Du Glacier which, given it's location, offered a surprisingly good range of refreshments and food. We had hot chocolate before setting off on the more demanding path to the front edge of the glacier. The path was quite steep and involved walking over large boulders - this isn't too bad going up but is more challenging coming down. The end of the footpath was quite a long way from the leading edge of the Glacier, but this is expected in the summer. With binoculars you could explore the deep and dark crevaces and it all looked quite spooky. The pictures don't do it justice, either to its stark beauty or its size.

The walk back down the Vallee Du Trient
As we passed the Chalet, it started to rain but thankfully just a few spots. It didn't really rain until we got back to the van

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