Well, the training really must start in earnest now. We leave the UK on 21st January 2010. Christmas in between now and then will make the time fly by. We are due to summit Kilimanjaro on 29th/30th January treking the Rongai Route with an extra day acclimatisation. After a couple of days rest we will spend 9 days on safari in the Northern Tanzania parks before flying to Zanzibar to spend 11 days there. Our month long adventure will fly by I am sure but will be worth it.
2010 will be a busy year. Whilst we are in Africa, the baby of the family (20) will be in Hong Kong. Both Uni student offspring (20 & soon to be 22) will be in their final term before going out into the big wide world (and getting a job hopefully!). The eldest (soon to be 24) will undoubtedly be off to the far east on business early in 2010 and the middle sized one won't be outdone and will be off somewhere far away over the summer. We promised to visit the Canadian family members in the summer and as I have never been to BC I'll look forward to that (we were going to include visiting the Alaskan branch of the family too, but they will have moved to Texas by then!). Hubby retires in November and we'll be able to think less about work from then on.
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